A young pilot unvells the outrageous costs associated with maintaining his small aircraft

A young pilot has found out just how much it costs to maintain his small aircraft, and he is sharing these astounding numbers with the rest of us.

After receiving his pilot’s license, Drew bought his first aircraft, a 1968 Cessna 150.

Since then, he and his companion Lanie have flown their Cessna across the United States and to vacation places in the Caribbean.

The pair posts videos of their opulent lifestyle on TikTok and YouTube, but they also disclose the less glamorous costs that go along with it.

Purchasing an aircraft like the Cessna 150 will cost you approximately $34,000, depending on the year and condition of the machine.

But this is just the beginning.

According to Lanie, the annual inspection alone costs her over $2,000.

“L’année dernière, nous avons eu besoin d’un nouveau cylindre, ce qui a porté notre total à 2,840 dollars,” Lanie said.

The pair stated that several other parts, such as the oil filter (30 dollars), the illumination bougie (40 dollars), the battery (400 dollars), and the new tires (200 dollars each), needed to be replaced on a regular basis.

These prices may not bother you right now, but get ready because they are going to increase.

You may see the video here!

Drew described how often and how much it would cost for a small aircraft owner to update their engine.

“Chaque moteur est différent, mais pour le mien, c’est toutes les 2 000 heures ou tous les 12 ans, selon ce qui arrive en premier,” said he.

The previous year, when Drew revised his Cessna 150, “tout démonté, nettoyé et remplacé un grand nombre de pièces,”

The young pilot’s service lasted for six weeks and cost $23,000.

It’s almost the same price as the plane.

Despite the astronomical maintenance costs, Drew and Lanie declared they would not be changing anything.

In actuality, they want to inspire others to obtain their pilot’s license.

They offered three pieces of advice to anyone who was considering doing so.

“It n’est pas nécessaire d’être bon en math; nous avons suffisamment d’applications qui s’en chargent aujourd’hui,” Drew said.

“2. If you are dishonest, to be honest, it doesn’t really seem like you’re in the air in an airplane, strangely enough.

“3: Take a chance and look up a flying school in your city on Google. In most cases, they will let you down.”

One user added a fourth item to the list, which was continued in the comments.

4. You need money since the aircraft is “very expensive.”