An employee of Superyacht reveals the most ridiculous requests she has ever received

This member of a superyacht’s crew is about to reveal the silliest requests he has ever heard while on board.

Giselle Azueta serves millionaire clients while working on a boat worth several million dollars.

That’s the dream job, isn’t it?

There are some benefits to this work, but according to M. Azueta, there are more than just arcs-en-ciel and fée poussière.

The 39-year-old air hostess took to TikTok to share some of the most odd—and occasionally the most outrageous—demands made by some of her very aware guests.

“À une occasion, un invité multimillionnaire a proposé de verser 10 000 dollars à un membre de l’équipage qui avait déféqué sur une table en verre alors qu’il se trouvait en dessous” , said she.

Uncertain as to whether one of the crew members has accepted or not, Azueta moves quickly on to something else.

“Another customer asked that one of the hosts keep an eye on him permanently as he dined.

The air hostess said she had accepted and was now waiting outside to watch her guest eat each of his meals.

En dépit de certaines exigences, M. Azueta a déclaré que “on ne peut jamais utiliser le mot ‘non’ dans le secteur”.

“Toute demande, aussi folle ou étrange qu’elle puisse paraître, est de notre devoir… tant qu’elle n’est pas d’ordre sexuel ou qu’elle ne menace pas la santé ou la vie de l’équipage” , said she.

So, does it meet these criteria when placed on a glass table?

M. Azueta stated that in addition to the extremely demanding nature of the work, the crew members had specific expectations.

According to her, owners of superyachts want their staff to be “at the hauteur de leur yacht,” which means that hosts and stewards need to be attractive and in good shape.

Even though it was a superficial industry, Yachty claimed that it was the work of her dreams because it allowed her to go to some of the most beautiful places on earth while receiving compensation.

We hope it gets paid for properly.