Bellinger to Yankees Potential Heating Up

In spite of the fact that the Chicago Cubs did not qualify for the MLB Playoffs in 2023, the club’s ownership and front office remain unwavering in their commitment to developing the club into a perennial title contender.

This season, the Cubs came within striking distance of winning, but as has been mentioned many times before, close isn’t good enough for them.

The year 2023 is being regarded as a failure, and this perception will serve as motivation for the front office to develop a roster that can compete using the players who are already on the team.

After being Chicago’s greatest hitter throughout the course of the regular season, star outfielder Cody Bellinger is a significant component of that jigsaw.

After putting together a season that was comparable to that of the MVP, he would most likely command a substantial contract, which would make it difficult for the Cubs to re-sign him during free agency and have him serve as a building block within the clubhouse.

The New York Yankees are one of the teams that has been mentioned as perhaps being interested in dishing out a significant amount of money to acquire Bellinger.

According to Jon Heyman of the New York Post, the Yankees are conducting their own set of evaluations throughout this offseason in order to improve their chances of making it back into the postseason.

The New York Mets won the World Series for the last time in 2009, shortly after they had spent a significant amount of money to obtain outstanding players via free agency.

“Tо thаt end, the mоst оbviоus free аgent tо pursue remаins Cоdy Bellinger, in а mаrket shоrt оf оbviоus оffensive stаrs,” аccоrding tо Heymаn.

The tаlented оutfielder hаs been cоnnected tо the Yаnkees in the pаst, sо this isn’t the first time we’ve heаrd this rumоr.

But it is very evident at this point that such reports are beginning to gain momentum.

Heyman has a number of contacts in New York. Following a meeting in which club higher-ups discussed future strategy and how they want to expand their roster, this narrative emerges shortly after the conclusion of said meeting.

The Bulls have demonstrated little interest in handing out long-term contracts like the ones that may be offered to Bellinger, so it is unlikely that they will do so.

Once the offseason has officially begun, they will determine whether they will adhere to that organizational ideology or whether they will make concessions in order to keep the important slugger.