Explore Man City star Haaland’s hometown: From his training ground to his favorite takeaway spots

THEY are a humble, hard-working and quiet bunch in Bryne.

But when they do get going, everyone haѕ a favourite ѕubject.

Erling Haaland got hiѕ ѕtart in football with BryneCredit: Sven Olav Sele – Bryne FK

Haaland ѕрent moѕt of hiѕ uрbringing in the Norwegian townCredit: inѕtagram: @erling.haaland

Haaland feelѕ moѕt at eaѕe in hiѕ hometownCredit: inѕtagram: @erling.haaland

The presence of Erling Braut Haaland, Manchester City’s new super-sub for a fee of £51.4 million, looms huge over this small region of south-western Norway.

In point of fact, visitors stepping out of the railway station are dwarfed by a massive mural of the Norway striker from his day at Dortmund, which was painted on the side of an ancient dairy.

It is impossible for Haaland to flee from his childhood home.

Erling moved back to Bryne with his family when he was three years old, despite the fact that he was born in Leeds in 2000, at a time when his father Alf-Inge had just finished his playing days at Elland Road.

A statement made by the Striker himself encapsulates Bryne’s perspective and his upbringing superiorly than anything else that could be spoken.

He previously posted the following on Twitter: “I was given advice by a farmer a few years ago: Let your feet do the talking, and everything else will be fine.”

This farmer was the 6 foot 5 inch hitman’s maternal great-uncle, Gabriel Hoyland, whose pig and potato farm the 6 foot 5 inch hitman helps out on whenever he is able to make it back home.

Both Hoyland, who is known as Mr. Bryne, and Alfie, who is still a frequent at home games are considered to be Bryne FK legends. The two senior members of the family are Hoyland and Alfie.

Haaland started playing for his local team when he was just five years old and made his debut ten years later. At the age of 16, he had already moved on, signing for Molde in the top league, but a lasting impression had been made.

Robert Undheim, a winger still playing for Bryne in Norway’s second division, was the player that Haaland replaced to make his debut in 2016. Haaland came off the bench to take Undheim’s place.

He stated in an interview with SunSport that “everyone knew he was a childhood tar.”

“It was one of the very first times” I saw him when he was just a young child, but he had that quickness, and you could tell there was something extraordinary about him. He did not lack for anything.”

“I knew that he was always with the age group above him, so that alone makes him stand out,” said Sondre Norheim, a defender for Bryne who was a few years older than Haaland in the local school. “I knew that he was always with the age group above him.”

“He was undergoing instruction with fully grown adults. He was 15 at the time, so it was natural for him to be a little bit physically lacking at that time, as it would be for anyone.

“However, it was clear from watching him play that he more than made up for it with his positioning and his ability in front of the net,”

Erling Haaland often viѕitѕ BryneCredit: inѕtagram: @erling.haaland

Wen Hua Houe is Haaland’s favorite local Chinese restaurant, and he has given the proprietor a signed Man City jersey. Haaland still frequents the restaurant.Credit must go to Bryne FK.



Haaland’s childhood was the same as that of any other aspiring footballer in Bryne, despite the fact that his father had achieved success as a player.

After completing his workouts with the club, he would spend his spare time playing football with a friend on the artificial pitch that was located underneath the dome that was adjacent to the stadium.

The dome, which “shelters” you from the persistent wind in this coastal town but does not necessarily keep you warm, is open all the time for free play for the children of Bryne, who can come and go as they choose.

Han-Oyvind Sagen, the chief executive officer of Bryne, stated that “Erling and his friend called it ‘The Fridge’ because the temperature inside was lower than the temperature outside.”

“It protected you from the wind, but perhaps that’s why Haaland is so powerful—he always had to run into it!”

The people at the club, as well as Haaland himself, consider “The Fridge” to be an important contributor to his development. It was an opportunity to develop as a player while at the same time taking pleasure in every moment of the experience.

It’s only a matter of how much potential there is. You will go a very long way if you consistently perform ethically and put in a lot of effort.

The name Sondre Norheim

Norheim commented, “To think that he started in the same area where hundreds of kids go every day is mind boggling.”

“It’s only a matter of how much potential. If you commit to doing the right thing each day and put in a lot of effort, you will go a long way.

It is not long into any conversation about Haaland before the topic of his arduous job comes up. However, it was evident that Haaland was gifted from a young age.

Norheim was one of the first people to witness it. “A few weeks before his debut, we had a light workout, and then a few guys stayed behind,” he recalled.

Erling approached me and asked whether or not I could provide him with some paper so that he could do some finishing. I said ye, and then approximately twenty or thirty minutes later I said, ‘We’re fine now, right?’

“He replied with a firm ‘No, no. Let’s try some of these from this perspective now, and see if we can’t bring in some new perspectives. He simply desired to continue practicing everything from a variety of different angles.

Norheim “spent another hour whipping ball” in while Haaland “dispatched them with ease” while Norheim watched in awe and admiration.


He explained it like this: “That is why he is so good. It does not come as a surprise to me that he has reached this point in his profession because he has always strived to improve and perfect everything.

Erling stood out even among the hardest workers despite the fact that many professionals are content to stay late.

Norheim is quoted as saying, “There was unquestionably a difference.” Without a doubt, he was one of the guys who put in the most effort.

“I don’t believe that any element of chance was involved in his choice of job path. He was completely deserving of it.

Undheim commented that “During training, if we were having a competition to hit ten goals first, he’d reach 20 before you got to ten.”

“He was training all the time, but maybe not the one who wanted to go to school,” said Gunnar Halle, a coach for Norway’s young team and a former teammate of Haaland’s father Alfie at Leed. Halle also played for Norway’s senior team. Instead of playing football, he wanted to work out and become in shape.


You could see the potential and the power in him, despite the fact that he was moving his legs and arms all over the place.

Gunnar Halle was the person.

In the beginning, he was a small and frail young man. Even while he had several kills under his belt, he was not quite as powerful as he would later become.

“He was a little bit limber and arm all over the place, but you could see the potential and the power in him.

“Physically, he wasn’t very huge until he was 15 or 16, but after he was 17, he started getting bigger and bigger. He had always possessed the innate ability. He had the constant need to “core.”

He once scored nine goals in a single game against Honduras when competing in the Under-20 World Cup when he was just 18 years old. He wanted to score more than most, too.

According to what Halle had to say, “He is not happy with scoring three, and he is not happy scoring five.” That’s just how he is the way he is.”

Although Haaland’s strength is currently perhaps his most dangerous weapon, in the years leading up to his growth spurt, he was forced to think rapidly in order to outsmart bigger and better players, which was an important factor in his development.

Arne Tjaaland, a local physical education teacher who volunteered as a coach at Bryne and worked with Haaland between the ages of 13 and 15, disclosed the following information about Haaland: “He really developed his intelligence to core goal.” It wasn’t enough for him to just hit the ball and run past everyone else.


“He faced off against one of our center backs once, who was considered the best in his position in Norway at his age, and Erling out-tricked him and won a penalty.”

Erling was able to fool him into thinking he was stronger and faster than he actually was. He has a lot of wit. I thought to myself, “Alright, there must be something unique about this place.”

Halle continued by saying, “I think something has been lying there all the time, and he has been developing everything, and obviously, on the physical part, now he is like a monitor.”

The one thing that “peaks” out about Haaland and his family in Bryne that most people here are familiar with is his attitude, which is the only thing that “hine”s through about them. In the reasonably priced and cheery neighborhood Chinese restaurant known as Wen Hua Houe, a proud display of New Zealand’s signed Borua Dortmund jerseys can be found on the wall.

It is one of his favorite spots to visit when he gets back, and the forward most recently came here for Christmas while the Bundesliga was on break for the season.Since his grandmother, who taught Norwegian to the shop’s proprietor, first brought him there as a young boy, he has been returning here ever since.

The proprietor, Hui Zhu Wang, was quoted as saying, “We are very proud, he is very humble.”

“He scored in his first match after just a few minutes, which got me quite happy. It was only his first match.

The fall will bring us a whole new Manchester City hirt, so stay tuned for that!


In point of fact, a brand new navy blue shirt has already been promised, and it is currently being prepared for delivery by Haaland’s sister, who just so happens to reside with the nephew of the person sitting at the table next to us.

Nearly everyone in this town has some sort of connection to their favorite establishment. Gry Marita Braut, the mother of the “triker,” continues to teach at a local school despite the fact that she is now independently wealthy. She has instructed approximately half of the youngsters in this community.

A resident in the area was overheard saying, “Everyone here keeps their feet on the ground.”

He made hiѕ debut for hiѕ local club aged 15Credit: Sven Olav Sele – Bryne FK

The ѕuрerѕtar haѕ ѕtayed grounded deѕрite hiѕ ѕucceѕѕCredit: inѕtagram: @erling.haaland

“There is a lot of excitement in the area of Haaland, but they wish to avoid becoming involved in it. When he returns, he will be welcomed with open arms.”

Erling has found that he is able to relax the most in this location in Bryne.

Undheim was quoted as saying, “He cannot go around people and be left in peace; however, the place that he can do that is home, Bryne.”

And back home, anticipation is rising in front of the new season, and it’s not just because his transfer to City will result in a “solidarity payment” of up to one million dollars for the local team.

Bryne FK has plans to rebuild its existing stadium and create a new one in the near future; any guesses as to whose name the new stadium will bear?


The “treet” are often quiet here, but they will be especially deserted on Saturday as everyone “settles in” to witness Iceland make his first step in English football against Liverpool in the Community Shield match.

Premier League clashes are a massive deal in this area, but a lot of people are going to have their loyalties tested.

Undheim remarked, “You know when Erling scores in the pub, all the Liverpool fans start cheering for him.”

“They say that they cheer for Liverpool and Erling — regardless of which team they support, everyone cheers for him.”

The next step in Haaland’s career is the most important one yet.

It was a well-planned route that got him to the top, but his roots will always be here, and every time he comes back home, it serves as a reminder of that.

It is appropriate that the only league he has played in and not been able to score a single goal in is the second tier of competition in his native country.

That recollection, together with Bryne, will serve to firmly plant his feet on the earth forever.