France Football reveals Ronaldo’s biggest dream

Pascal Ferre, editor-in-chief of France Football magazine, once affirmed that Ronaldo’s only ambition in football is to retire with more Golden Ball titles than Lionel Messi. Sharing with the New York Times, Mr. Ferre said: “Ronaldo has only one ambition, and that is to retire with more Golden Balls than Messi. I know because he told me so.”


In his great career, Ronaldo has won 5 Golden Balls, in 2008, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 respectively. Thus, 6 years have passed, CR7 has not pocketed any more Ballons. Any gold? In addition, by moving to play football in Saudi Arabia for Al Nassr, the 38-year-old superstar has no chance of winning the Golden Ball.


Meanwhile, Ronaldo’s great rival Messi has so far owned 7 Golden Balls, in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019 and 2021. Recently, Diario Sport revealed that Messi will win. The 8th Golden Ball at the gala taking place on October 30 in Paris.


The fact that Messi continues to be honored at the Golden Ball award is also predicted, because he and the Argentina team excellently won the 2022 World Cup. In Qatar, Messi became the focus with his super performance. . Not only did he win the prestigious Gold Cup, but he also won the award for Best Player of the tournament.


Thus, the difference between Messi and Ronaldo will be 3 Golden Balls. This is definitely something that cannot be leveled.