This year, a ground-breaking design will be unveiled at the Monaco Yacht event, the most esteemed pleasure boat event in the world, which draws over 500 elite yachters.Together with Silver Arrows Marine, Mercedes-Benz Style unveils their seagoing Granturismo, a vessel of 14 meters (almost 46 feet) in length. The boat, which is being developed by well-known maritime architects Martin Francis and Tommaso Spadolini of the UK-based company Silver Arrows maritime, will represent an expansion of the German automaker’s supremacy and long-standing design philosophy.

The revolutionary layout, space, appearance, interior, and selection of materials and color schemes for the yacht are being collaboratively worked on by the venerable companies. The boat is scheduled for launch within a year of its design being shown. It will be the perfect combination of leisurely day trips and lodging for the night. Mercedes-Benz has long been the unchallenged leader of the road; in 2011, the Eurocopter EC145 Mercedes-Benz Style helicopter took the sky by storm, and the company is quickly ascending to the position of king of the seas.