Post Malone just paid a record amount for a Magic the Gathering card

If you’re wondering where she went missing, a video showing Post Malone buying the highly sought-after card “The One Ring” in a Toronto, Canada, gaming store has just surfaced.

You can view the emotionally captivating transaction here!

Magic the Gathering player Brook Trafton just sold the card to Post Malone by posting a video of the transaction on TikTok.

“Lorsque j’ai découvert l’anneau unique, la première personne qui m’est venue à l’esprit a été Post Malone,” he said.

“I’ve been an MTG player since I was a young child; therefore, it would be amazing to keep this card. However, for a man like me, being able to sell it transforms my life.

“I simply hope it goes to someone who values it as much as I do.”

“This is my dream that is becoming real. Meeting Post Malone and seeing him purchase the One Ring card is right out of a fairy tale.

“Post Malone, Magic: The Gathering, you have completely transformed my life. Things like that don’t happen to people like me, so I assume it’s magic. I will always be grateful for your recognition.”

Speaking to Dexterto, Trafton described the finding of the card as a “moment that changed his life.”

“A wave of happiness washes over me every time I read something or watch a video. Like when I watch Cash Cards Unlimited’s live stream and see how much it thinks the card is worth.”As time passes, I find myself grasping it with both hands and sobbing! It’s simply unbelievable.”

Although the exact price of the card has not been disclosed, the seller and Sunflower’s singer have estimated it to be worth at least $2 million.

Post Malone would also have purchased it for a significantly higher price.

At the time we are writing these lines, the video’s comments area has already been seen 3.2 million times, and fans of MTG and the rapper/chanter have left a comment.

“For those who are wondering, Post Malone paid $2.6 million for the card,” said a man (this statement has not been independently confirmed).

“I’m glad it was a real player that gave it to you. “Thank you, mec,” exclaimed another.

“I can’t think of a better place than Posty to get the most limited mint ever to be circulated.

Trafton plans to “invest and prepare my future” with the funds.