In the match against Brentford, Harry Maguire showed an impressive performance. With 68 ball contacts, he is one of Manchester United’s key central defenders in controlling and distributing the ball.

Maguire completed 56 out of 62 passes, showing accuracy and consistency in his passing. Of those, 11 passes were made into the end zone, creating opportunities for teammates to attack. In particular, he completed 10 of 12 long-range passes, showing his vision and ability to pass accurately from the backfield.

In addition, Maguire also showed good defensive skills with 2 passes. He won 3 out of 5 duels and recovered the ball 4 times, contributing to maintaining defensive stability.

Not only has the ability to defend, Maguire also created an assist in this match. By participating in the attack, he contributed to the team’s goal.

With these impressive numbers, Harry Maguire has proven his value and talent on the field. He has shown leadership and stability in Manchester United’s defense, while also providing a positive contribution in the build-up to attacking situations.

Please respect Harry Maguire’s name! He is one of the top centre-backs today and proved his ability in the match against Brentford. Keep cheering and supporting him!