By teaming up with two basketball icons like Shaquille O’Neal and Allen Iverson, Reebok is taking a huge step toward cementing its status in the sports world.
O’Neal has been named President of Basketball at Reebok, and Iverson has been named Vice President of Basketball, in what appears like a homecoming for the legendary athletes and the company. Those of you with lengthy memories may recall that O’Neal was Reebok’s first signature athlete, popularizing the brand’s Shaq Attaq model. Another Reebok prodigy, Iverson gave the company an early 2000s boost and a new edge.
“AI is a founding father of Reebok Basketball and has left a lasting impact on the game and the surrounding culture,” said O’Neal via Boardroom. In a gushing aside, he continued, “There is no one I’d rather work with to bring in a new generation of ballers to Reebok than him.” It’s great to have Shaq and AI back at it again.
CEO Todd Krinsky of Reebok was ecstatic to have the two basketball legends on board not just as endorsers but as decision-makers.
With this, we’re putting two of our legendary athletes in the same executive roles at our organization. “This is a first of its kind in our industry,” Krinsky told Boardroom.
The duties of their positions, please.
The two will play complementary roles in the recruiting of players. Iverson will use his extensive ties to non-profits and community activities to find new recruits. However, O’Neal’s extensive network will be crucial for establishing and maintaining connections between athletes.

“A big part of my role will be leveraging my network to build bridges, connect the brand with players, and help those players develop through their partnership with Reebok,” O’Neal told Boardroom.
Stаrting in the mаilrооm, Krinsky rоse thrоugh the rаnks аt Reebоk оver the cоurse оf а decаde tо becоme CEо аfter аuthentic Brаnds Grоup аcquired the cоmpаny in 2022. Krinsky wаnted о’Neаl tо hаve а lаrger rоle аt Reebоk thаn simply cоnsultаncy if he wаs seriоus аbоut reviving the cоmpаny.
We needed him to be making important tactical and strategic calls alongside us. When we had the idea, we thought, ‘Let’s have Shaquille manage this business with us,’” Krinsky said.
True to form, O’Neal wants to be right in the middle of the action. We just want to do things differently,” he told the Board of Directors. That’s what made us famous back then, and it’s what we hope to continue doing forever.